Real Gifts for Real Men.
Jokes Don't Discrminate!
Last week, our email subscribers were treated to a list of jokes about men. Broquet is, of course, a real man's gift site, so we thought we'd have some fun poking at them!
What they didn't expect was that exactly a week later, we'd poke some fun about women too!
If you're missing out on the email fun, you can check out our jokes below!
They love to waste gas. Why else don't they ask for directions!?
They love air pollution. Why else don't they say no to the beans!!!
They flat out refuse to take out the garbage. Why else would they leave half a teaspoon of anything in its container?!!
They hate buying gifts. Why else do they forget special dates?!?
They only have time to get fatter. Why else do they think microwave meals is "cooking"?!!!
They love their video games more than anything. Why else do they think that's what everyone wants to talk about?!?!?!
They have no idea what they're doing. See above!!!!
They hate you! Why else does she ask you questions like "Do I look fat in this?"
They expect you to be psychic! Why else does she say she doesn't care what you get her for dessert, and then informs you that you got the wrong one! (to be fair, maybe he should've already known!)
They make you feel dumb! Why else does she remember the first time you did anything together!
They pretend to not like you! You try to talk to them, you are nice to them, but they give you the cold shoulder......
......even though they like you!
They would rather train a dog! Why else are they always telling you what to do!?!
They should get a mirror! Why else do they call you with nothing to say!!
Of course these are all in good fun! And don't be afraid we're terrible joke writers!
Share your Battle of the Sexes jokes with us on our Facebook page!!!
Guy Commerce USA
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